Roger Ehrenberg, the former head of Deutsche Bank's derivatives desk, gave up the Street in 2004 but has recently returned to his roots as a blogger. Someone recently pointed me to his post on the convergence of hedge funds and private equity funds; and as often happens in the blogosphere, that one reference led me to give Roger's blog a good dig through. In just two months of blogging, I've found him to be both prolific and conclusive.
- Information Arbitrage by Roger Ehrenberg
Roger seems to have a real passion for the hedge fund industry (aka my "day job") and has several thoughtful posts on both industry regulation and the convergence of private and public equity. The topic of convergence is one of great interest to me; and one that my partners and I have some experience.
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If you've got even a passing interest in investing, trading or hedge fund strategies, add Roger's blog to your reader and give it a try.
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Thanks for the mention. I hope you enjoy Information Arbitrage. It has really become a labor of love. I look forward to being on your blogroll and please drop me a note with any comments on the blog. Regards, Roger
Posted by: Roger | August 08, 2006 at 04:28 PM