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Good stuff, especially about Facebook as the enterprise version of itself. There are a lot of ways to see a move from transaction based apps to people based ones, and a platform is a good place to start, esp. if people know it and use it frequently.

Mark Vane

Hi, Found a cool news widget for our blogs at www.widgetmate.com. Now I can show the latest news on my blog. Worked like a breeze.

Roger Anderson

Facebook also really breaks open the widget bubble. Just as the WWW made the first Internet bubble, Facebook may just be the platform. Even if it just gets that ball rolling it will be a huge window of opportunity. It sure makes the $1B Facebook turned down look small.

Rodney Rumford

Great blog post about the coming importance of facebook applications. Marc really explained very well why this platform has huge importance. You can expect enterprise types of applications showing up... eventually. But you know how long robust apps take to develop. ;)

We have been reviewing and rating new facebook applications. As the facebook applications field becomes more crowded this service that we offer will become even more valuable. Right now we are seeing the low hanging fruit type of simplistic applications. Some are pretty darn cool. More useful apps will come soon enough.

Keep up to date on what is happening with new facebook applications at http://www.facereviews.com

Rodney Rumford

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